Shining a Light on India's Refugee Crisis

Bringing Awareness to Human Rights Violations

black and white labeled bottle
black and white labeled bottle

First of all

India's Refugee Crisis

Explore the complex tapestry of India's refugee crisis, shaped by political, religious, and ethnic conflicts. Discover the struggles faced by diverse communities seeking refuge in India.

group of children standing on grass field during daytime
group of children standing on grass field during daytime
building with refugees welcome signage
building with refugees welcome signage

Not to mention

Protection for Minority Groups

Discover the complex tapestry of India's refugee crisis, shaped by decades of political, religious, and ethnic conflicts. Explore the challenges faced by refugees from neighbouring countries and their struggle for safety and security in India.


And let's not forget

Diversity and Discrimination

Delve into the history of discrimination and violence faced by India's diverse religious and ethnic communities. Learn about the challenges Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians have encountered while fleeing persecution and seeking refuge in India.

About Human Rights Index

Human Rights Index is a platform dedicated to shedding light on the complex tapestry of India's refugee crisis. Our mission is to bring awareness to the history of discrimination and violence faced by religious and ethnic minorities in India. Through our research and advocacy, we aim to promote human rights and support those affected by persecution.

Empowering Human Rights for a Better India

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